--All along the coast here Grey Whales can be seen swimming very close to shore, sometimes several at once, bobbing their backs out of the water and spouting. It is rare to go to the beach and not see at least one whale. Once in awhile one will poke it's nose up in the air as if to get a better look around. Are they looking at us? "Hello whale!"
--See two whales just beyond the waves in this unbelievable photograph.
--Another mystery is whether one could listen to the whales if you were out swimming with them, reports differ on this point.
--Soon, probably now, the pregnant females will be giving birth in lagoons north of here, their meanderings father south and into the Sea of Cortez are extra swimming (just males and juveniles?).
--Mating occurs at this time too (gestation is one year). One male holds the female up while another male gets it on. We haven't seen this but there are explicit postcards in the bookstore.
--Farther out, almost to the horizon, the larger Humpback Whales can occasionally be seen leaping high out of the water, over and over, coming down with great splashes. There are many theories about this breaching behavior: removal of barnacles, exercising of flippers, just for fun...nobody knows. Binoculars help with this one.
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